Progenitor Bartholomäus was born around 1630

To day 13 Generations with 447 descendants

Last weekend 35 members of the large WOLFART-Family met at the place of the birth of their progenitor Bartholomäus, who was born around 1630 in Edelfingen and died there in 1701.
EDELFINGEN. This familyline contains up today 13 generations with 447 descendants. Those descendants principally lived in Edelfingen until the 19. century as farmers and wine-growers. In the middle of the 19th century the migration started due to the fact, that through the usual split up the farms became too small for the growing families. Therefor the descendant children had to move to other regions in order to establish new livelihood.
Main centres of these familymembers were build up in (Rhineland)-Palatinate, in the area of Frankfurt/Main, Berlin and Hanau and also in Karlsruhe.

Some of the Wolfarts, of course, stayed in Edelfingen and one could still meet their families there. The historical facts were presented to the participants on a large genealogical table. So everyone was able to trace back his familyline as far as forefather Bartholomäus and also to find out which degree of relationship one has to another. Moreover have the results of the researches been combined in a booklet of 181 pages which be called "History of the WOLFARTS" , which was of high interest, participants of this meeting were Wolfarts from Berlin,Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt/Main, Ludwigshafen from Switzerland and, of course, from Edelfingen, respectivelly Bad Mergenheim.
Karl-Heinz Sann, born in Edelfingen and husband of Lina who´s maiden name was Wolfart, guided them through Edelfingen.

The walk through partly narrow and twisty little streets with their tidy and clean little houses left a remaining impression. Everyone was now able to imagine that the early Wolfarts had to live in cramped conditions in these offen small houses and agricultural buildings. At this event, which took place at the house of sports of Edelfingen, the Wolfarts got to know each other a little closer. New bonds were formed and it is to be expected that some have won new friends and that comprehensive family relations will be intensified. The harmonic get together ended in the late evening. Everyone was of the opinion that a beginning was made and another meeting should take place in two or three years. Whoever is interested in the "Wolfart-Booklet" may contact Elmar Wolfart, Hasselhorstweg 48, D60599 Frankfurt/Main Germany.     elwo

Article of the Tauber-Newspaper, Wednesday 29 th September, 1999
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